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Chickpea-Quinoa Patties with Cheesy Vegan Sauce
Dinner, Recipes

Quinoa Chickpea Burger with Cheesy Vegan Sauce

Here are delicious and satiating quinoa chickpea burgers that taste heavenly with my cheesy vegan sauce. Besides, it is a perfect recipe for batch cooking for effortless weeknight meals. Furthermore, this vegan burger recipe has only simple ingredients that you can find in every supermarket. Now, to be honest, I […]

Beetroot Soup with Chickpeas
Dinner, Recipes

Beetroot Soup with Chickpeas

Believe it or not, but last week I made pureed beetroot soup for the first time. I must say I absolutely adore beetroot, but Iā€™ve been having them raw in morning smoothies, and boiled or oven-baked in salads, as a side, also in cakes or brownies. Now, the good thing […]


Kicking Pre-Marathon Nerves in the Face

Some people get nervous during a presentation, some people get nervousĀ when flying, and some people get nervous before running a marathon. Itā€™sĀ no surprise: youā€™ve been working hard for months, and itā€™s finally timeĀ to show what youā€™re made of, often in front of thousands of people. Itā€™sĀ even more daunting if itā€™s […]