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There are numerous ways we can benefit from whole food plant-based nutrition. Find articles about:

  • planning balanced meals,
  • nutritional benefits of different foods,
  • Candida diet,
  • the dangers of some foods,
  • the role of stress in your overall health,
  • fad diets,
  • reducing sugar intake etc.
Learn what is low glycemic diet, which are low glycemic foods and high glycemic foods. Read about glycemic index and glycemic load and why those matter.
Candida Overgrowth: Symptoms, Causes, Testing, Treatment, Nutrition, Plant-Based Lifestyle

How to Eat on a Vegan Low Glycemic Diet [Video]

Learn what is low glycemic diet, which are low glycemic foods and high glycemic foods. Read about glycemic index and glycemic load and why those matter. Download my FREE Guide to a Plant-Based Low Glycemic Diet What Are Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Did you know that not all carbohydrates […]

Carob: Benefits, Uses, Carob vs Cocoa
Nutrition, Plant-Based Lifestyle, Weight loss

The Complete Guide to Carob: Benefits, Uses, and Carob vs Cocoa

Read all about carob: what is carob, carob benefits, uses of carob, carob vs cocoa, what’s the difference between raw and roasted carob powder, and how to use carob powder for cooking. What is carob? Let’s start with describing the carob tree. Ceratonia siliqua, known as carob (from Arabic Ų®ŁŽŲ±ŁŁ‘ŁˆŲØŁŒ […]

Candida Symptoms in Women, Men and Children, yeast infection symptoms
Candida Overgrowth: Symptoms, Causes, Testing, Treatment, Nutrition, Plant-Based Lifestyle

Candida Overgrowth Symptoms in Women, Men and Children

Candida symptoms can vary from mild to extremely inconvenient to even life threatening. Therefore, itā€™d be better to track those yeast infection symptoms down early on to be able to fight them off with less effort and more success. In this article I’ll cover the most common general Candida symptoms […]

Pancakes, Tofu-Beet, living candida free
Candida Overgrowth: Symptoms, Causes, Testing, Treatment, Natural Cure, Nutrition, Plant-Based Lifestyle

Vegan Candida Diet ā€“ Living Candida Free After The Cleanse

I started my journey on vegan Candida diet in August 2016. First, I went through Candida cleanse (6 weeks) and then started to reintroduce foods back into my diet. Now, with the right habits, food and lifestyle choices Iā€™m staying and living candida free. Read about my personal experience and […]