When it comes to stress, common everyday situations matter the most. You are running late for a meeting, you have a work overload, your boss keeps emailing you after hours, you have miscommunications with your partner, you don’t make time for regular exercise and so on. Yeah, we’ve all been there. These tiny little mishaps have the power to trigger a stormy wave of negative emotions and even physical pain. Unhappily, nowadays anxiety and stress are everywhere and they can leave you feeling irritable, exhausted, overwhelmed and you may experience a headache or pain in your muscles.
I repeatedly see a lot of people struggling with stress for some trivial things that are getting the best of them. They forget about their basic needs as human beings like being positive and mindful, treating themselves (and others) with love and respect or taking care of their bodies from the inside-out. The thing is when we focus on the negativity we tend to forget everything else that is great in our life at the moment.
I used to be like this, focusing on every single meaningless problem like my whole life depended on it, feeling lost all the time. Last year a friend of mine introduced me to the powerful benefits of yoga. Of course, like every other newbie I was skeptical that it could be so “healing” and that it could “transform” your life in so many positive ways. However, I’d still decided to give yoga a try and checked out what all the fuss was about.
After a few classes, I realized that it is much more than just practicing stretching exercises. Soon I realized that I carried a very heavy burden of all my past problems, frustrations, and failures. We all do. Yoga has taught me to accept myself as I am, to find joy in little things in life, to respect my mind and body, and to decide if something is worth my time and energy. Yoga for me is a lifelong process of discovering who I truly am, learning more about the people in your life and the true meaning of life, which is to really LIVE. Once you become more awake and calm and as soon as you realize how amazing and unique creature you are, you will be able to discover your true potential.
How yoga can help you tremendously
Yoga has transformed my life in so many beautiful ways. I am so grateful that I discovered this powerful practice and so can you. Ever since I’ve started practicing yoga I am aware that every time I feel distressed I can always hit the mat and find my safe place again. No matter what kind of day you might have had you will most certainly leave the class feeling peaceful, centered and energized.
Starting your morning with a yoga practice will feed your body with energy and positive vibes and you will most likely feel the benefits throughout the whole day. If you decide to do it in the evenings you will have an opportunity to let go of every negative emotion and experience that may have come your way.
Yoga is good for everyone
If you’ve recognized yourself in the above mentioned stressful situations and you think they are getting the best of you, you may want to give yoga a try. Yoga is a mind-body discipline which includes specific physical poses, breath control, and meditation.
Some of the benefits of yoga include:
- stress relieve
- lower heart rate
- lower blood pressure
- improved flexibility
- better bone health
- improved focus
- happier state of mind
The best thing is that anyone can do it. You can choose to practice yoga for one-hour long sessions or you can just try yoga breathing technique for five-ten minutes a day. Whatever you choose, you will soon start to notice how your mind is calmer, your body is grateful to you and your stress fades away.
Understanding yoga for newbies
If you are a newbie you will most certainly start with Hatha yoga, the most popular yoga style which could be a great choice for stress management. By holding and repeating certain yoga positions, meditating and deep breathing techniques that require focus you will strengthen your muscles, quiet your mind and change the energy in your body. This takes practice and it won’t happen overnight but believe me, it will be totally worth it. Remember that on that mat you are the only thing that matters, nothing else!
What to expect after a yoga class?
After 20 minutes of Hatha yoga, you will fill be more centered, less stressed, more flexible. It can also improve your memory and cognitive function.
What to expect after few months practicing yoga?
After few months of practicing yoga, you may expect many health benefits including positive energy flow and inner calmness, relief from back pain and neck pain, steady blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, increased lung capacity, anxiety relief, increased mindfulness, improved balance and better sex life.
What to expect after years practicing yoga?
Practicing yoga for years may result in increased bone density, decrease body weight or at least a maintained weight and lower cardiovascular risk factors.

Author bio:
Kristina Shumadieva. Journalist. Creative nutcase. Blogger (Fashion Corner). Philosopher. Passionate singer. Language learner. Yogi. Bicycle rider. Cardio lover. Travel enthusiast. Health freak. TV shows addict. Astrology believer.