Health is one of the greatest assets of any human being. Everyone wants to be fit and healthy. But ask one question to yourself – are you really healthy? Or are you on the heavier side of health? Weight loss is one of the most common problems affecting us. Our present day lifestyle along with our erratic eating schedule which comprises of junk food for many of us has contributed to the weight gain. Losing weight is not that easy as it may sound. One has to be dedicated and committed towards losing weight in order to see results. In my research for how to lose weight in an effective and useful manner I came across seven crucial steps that will help to lose weight and keep it at bay as well.
- Healthy eating: Yes, you are right. What we eat shows in our body. Cheating in this aspect will do you no good. Your diet has to comprise of green leafy and other vegetables, fresh fruits, fruit juices, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains. Fish and meat is not absolutely necessary, but you can add these to your menu 2-3 times a week. Try and stick to healthy eating as much as you can. Once a month you can indulge in a piece of cake or pastry but don’t overdo it. Keep in mind that you are not dieting but you are eating a healthy diet that will ensure that you remain healthy and fit.
- Frequency of Meals: Once you have decided to eat healthy, now you need to fix the number of times that you would consume meals. Generally breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner are the four major meals that we intake. However different customs have different concepts and they modify the type and number of meal as per their beliefs and conceptions.Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day and should be consumed at least 2 hours prior to your sleep time.
- Water intake: how much water should one consume on a daily basis? The amount of water you consume depends a lot on the kind of lifestyle you lead, your health, and the prevailing weather. Every day we pass out water through perspiration, bowel movements, urine and even through our breath. Hence you need to ensure that you consume enough water in order to replenish your body. It would be appropriate to drink 23-35 ml water per one kg of body mass (includes water in food). During exercise an extra 400-800 ml per one hour of exercise.
- Exercise: How many times have you heard that exercise can do wonders for your body? Well it is true. Over the decades it is seen that an individual who does some sort of exercise on a daily basis is more active and fit compared to the others. If you don’t want to join a gym, no problem. Make it a habit to run a mile in the morning or opt for brisk walking. If you are too pressed for time then do Pranayama at home. There is no better alternative to yoga.
- Proper sleep: in addition to eating healthy and exercising you also need 8 hours of regular sleep. Don’t cheat on your sleep. Research shows that we need 7-8 hours of daily sleep to recharge our batteries so that when we wake up the next day we are all set to begin our day. It is seen that people who are insomniac tend to binge on food to while away the time and hence tend to put on more weight.However how much you sleep also depends on the kind of work that you are involved in. Say for example if you are a correspondent who works in the night shift, then the amount of sleep you get to take depends on your schedule and so on. Ideally 7-8 hours of sleep is recommended.
- Regular checkups: make it a habit to check your weight at regular intervals. If you search the internet you will get the list where you will find how much is the ideal weight of an individual as per his height and body structure. Try and follow that chart.
- Weight loss exercise maintenance: the final and the most crucial step is to follow those exercises that will help you to maintain your weight. Just because you have lost weight does not mean that you will stop exercising. Being healthy is an ongoing process; there is no end to it.However, you also need to remember that nutrition always trumps exercise.
Once you start following the above mentioned seven steps it will be easier for you to lose weight as well as maintain your weight on a long term basis as well.
Author: Jean Walker (guest blogger)
She is a very simple fun loving girl who loves to learn new things on internet. An avid reader, she loves to blog on different topics related to health and well being. You will find ample write ups by her on physiotherapy and arthritis.