Beside nutrition, healthy mind and exercise, yoga breathing may have an important role to achieve ultimate well-being. The ancient breathing Pranayama is an efficient way to purify your body, stimulate your metabolism and get rid of the excess weight. Learning ways to calm or invigorate the body through breathing will […]
Month: February 2014
Valentine’s Day Oatmeal-Goji Berry Cookies
I have made many versions of these healthy cookies, but feel that this one is just right for Valentine’s day This is a no sugar, no oil, no wheat holiday treat (or why not for every day) you can surprise your loved ones with. Please let me know in […]
Hearty Millet-Beluga Lentil Stew
Hearty and delicious oil-free vegan dal recipe with millet and black Beluga lentils. You’ll only need 30 minutes to prepare this simple and quick dal. The other evening I wanted to prepare the traditional Indian red lentil dal for dinner – just to discover that mysteriously my red lentils had […]
Science-Backed Food Combining Rules for Optimal Nutrient Absorption
What is the science behind right food combining? Which food combining rules are simply myths and which have scientific backing? Learn food combining rules that aid optimal nutrient absorption and degrade the effects of anti-nutrients. Updated on October 20, 2022Updated on May 13, 2024 What’s the Science Behind Right Food […]